May 14, 2022
NCRAITC - 2022
National Conference on Recent Advancements in IT & Computing - 2022
May 14, 2022, Saturday
A National Conference on Recent Advancement in IT and Computing represents a significant paradigm shift in the area of computing which reflects the fact that the human mind possesses a remarkable ability to store and process the information that is pervasively imprecise, uncertain and incomplete. It provides a forum to discuss the research ideas and present their research findings with an original and innovative ideas in front of short presentations on computational intelligence. The conference will also encourage other participants to pursue research in this domain. The conference will explore several important characteristics and capabilities of machine that exhibit intelligent behavior. Common techniques, development and recent research trends will be discussed and explored. It will also enable scholars to share their thoughts and doubts in their field.
The hybrid conference NCRAITC-2022 will be organized jointly by Department of CSE, Department of CS, Department of CSD, Department of IT, and Department of ECE, IMS Engineering College (IMSEC), Ghaziabad, U.P.